Monday, November 27, 2006
Fjordland & Milford Sound
These are a couple of shots from our recent family trip to Milford with Jill & Rex (Jen's parents).
Thursday, November 16, 2006
This is what I do for a job at the moment.....while I wait for the job I really want as a camera man! Packing parachutes, mainly tandem parachutes because that's what NZONE does the most of (around 12,000 a year). I get paid by the pack job, which takes around 10/12 minutes, and I have to keep a record of the parachutes I pack. This is mainly so I get paid, but it also means that if anything goes wrong, everyone knows who did the last pack job.......No pressure!
1 - Organise the harness container & set the brakes
2 - Pick up the canopy & shake it out
3 - Hang the canopy up
4 - Oragnise the canopy material and lines
5 - Roll the canopy in the tail material
6 - Put the canopy on the floor and put a carpet on it to squash the air out
7 - Squash the rest of the air out of it
8 - Fold
9 - Stuff into deployment bag
10 - Stow the lines
11 - Still stowing!
12 - Untwist the drogue bridle and cock the drogue chute
13 - Put the deployment bag into the container
14 - Close the container
15 - Fold and roll the drogue chute
Dah Dah!
Not the most stimulating job I've ever had, but I quite enjoy it!