Saturday, June 02, 2007

Tandem Photos!

These area few choice photos taken of tandems over the past few doesn't that look fun!

Nice linked exit!

Head down over Queenstown

Our pilot joining in the fun!

Marcus....doing his last jump of the season!


Blogger Stephen said...

Yeah I suppose Id just about happy with them as pics if I was paying you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT HALF!!!!!!!! :-) So its fair to say I can see why you got the job then !!! NICE ONE :-p

11:16 AM

Blogger janemick said...

smashing photos Fran - the second would make a great publicity shot for Nzone - client smiling plus logoand strapline showing clearly! almost makes me want to have a go ;-) love Jane

8:30 AM

Blogger Francis Mickelborough said...

Not sure what you mean by strapline?? But you do realise that I only have another 500 jumps to go before I can do my tandem rating! Then I'm coming back to Europe to take you promised!!:)

7:51 PM


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